Monthly Archives: May 2019
Laboratory Cup 2019
Our annual charity event the MSC Laboratory Cup football tournament 2019 takes place on Friday [...]
High Resolution HbA1c Separation using the Sebia CAPILLARYS 3 TERA
HbA1c is widely used for the management and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (DM). Correlation between [...]
Moisture analysers – what are they and what are they for?
What are moisture analysers? Moisture analysers are sometimes called “moisture balances”. They are instruments that [...]
2019 All Island Diagnostic Conference on Disease prevention, Infection Control and AMR
When : 06th June 2019 Where : Belfast The All Island Diagnositc conference builds on [...]
Accelerate Diagnostics & Medical Supply Company
Medical Supply Company were introduced to the Accelerate Diagnostic “Family” at their recent distributor meeting [...]
Tender for HSE Project 11298 – Framework Agreement for the Supply of Urine Collection Devices and Associated Consumables
We are delighted to announce that we have been successful in our submission for supply [...]
New Partner Annoucement – Accelerate Diagnostics
We are delighted to announce our new partnership with Accelerate Diagnostics. Accelerate Diagnostics are leading [...]
9th Annual Irish Next Generation Sequencing Meeting
When : 30.05.2019 Where : Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute This year there is a really [...]
Early diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer: Introducing the kit
We would like to introduce the first and only kit that supports the early diagnosis [...]
Hemoglobin Atlas from Sebia
The Sebia Hemoglobin Atlas aims to improve experience and knowledge of the laboratories in the [...]
New Partner Announcement – Nucleix
We are delighted to announce that the following product range Bladder EpiCheck® from Nucleix is [...]